
I’m from… (After George Ella Lyon)Jane

I am from… take off your glasses — you look prettier without them.

I am from… don’t worry, the apple tree will stay outside tonight.

I am from… you can be anything you want to be but it will probably require hard work.

I am from… a turtle from the circus, a dog that was stolen before we met.

I am from… diving through the ice cold waves and learning not to be afraid.

I am from… being an outcast and never understanding why.

I am from… being surrounded by caring but nosy relatives.

I am from… color, light, noise and music.

I am from… needing, wanting and giving — all at once.

I am from… love.

I used to think…

I used to think I think growing up meant I would have the answers to most questions.

I used to think I need the answers to most questions.

I used to think that I could plan and it would happen.

I used to think I was self-sufficient.

I used to think that bad things did not happen to good people.

I used to think the bumps in the road could be completely overcome.

I used to think my children would lead the charmed lives I dreamt for them.

I used to think my grandchildren would be untouched by sadness.

I used to think I would grow old with my love.

I used to think I would never sound like my mother.

I used to think everything would be fine, and if not, I could fix it.

I used to think my happiness depended on external things and other people; now I know it must come from within me.

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